Posts tagged “PDT


Live migration fails of Private Cloud VMs after using PDT

no-live-migrationIf you try to live migrate the Private Cloud VMs after using the PDT VMCreator.ps1 you’ll get an error similar to this:

The reason is that the OS disk in each of the 15 VMs is a differencing disk. To convert all 15 disks from Differencing to Dynamic, I developed the following Powershell script:

# Script to convert Differencing Disk to Dynamic on all VMs on current host
# Sam Boutros
# 6/2/2014
# Convert-DiffDisk.ps1
# Needed after using PDT to create private cloud VMs – cannot live-migrate VMs with differencing disks
$Loc = Get-Location
$Archive = $Loc.Path + “\”
new-item $Archive -type directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Date = Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd_hhmmsstt
$logfile = $Loc.path + “\Convert_” + $Date + “.txt”
function log($string, $color)
if ($Color -eq $null) {$color = “white”}
write-host $string -foregroundcolor $color # Sorry Don Jones 🙂
$temp = “: ” + $string
$string = Get-Date -format “yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss tt”
$string += $temp
$string | out-file -Filepath $logfile -append
function Convert_Disk0($VM)
$Disk0 = Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VM -ControllerType IDE
$Source = $Disk0.Path
$Destination = $Source.Insert($Source.IndexOf(“.vhdx”,1),”_C1″)
log “Stopping $VM VM” green
Stop-VM -Name $VM
log “Converting disk $Source” green
Convert-VHD -DestinationPath $Destination -Path $Source -VHDType Dynamic
log “Attaching new disk $Destination to $VM” green
Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VM -ControllerType IDE | Set-VMHardDiskDrive -Path $Destination
log “Starting $VM VM” green
Start-VM -Name $VM
log “Moving old disk file $Source to $Archive folder” green
Move-Item $Source $Archive
$VMs = Get-VM -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME
# To convert the IDE disk on all VMs on the current host use the following line:
# Foreach ($VM in $VMs.Name) { Convert_Disk0 $VM }
# To convert the IDE disk of a single VM use the following line – replace “VMM01” as needed:
Convert_Disk0 “VMM01”

PDT error ADK81\adksetup.exe incorrect version


PDT is the Powershell Deployment Toolkit for System Center developed by Rob Willis of Microsoft.


When you run the PDT VMCreator.ps1 script you get error:

..Failed ADK81 incorrect version



Edit line 2828 of workflow.xml changing it from:




This is the current version (as of 5/24/2014) of adksetup.exe which is located under Installer\Prerequisites\ADK81 folder:


Alternative work- around:

You can run VMCreator.ps1 with the -SkipValidation switch