PowerShell function to parse Netstat output and return a PowerShell object

This is a function to parse Netstat -ano output and return a PowerShell object.

This output is similar to that of the Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet of the NetTCPIP PowerShell module.

To see the built-in help, type in: help Parse-Netstat -Show


(Parse-Netstat | where { $_.Version -eq ‘IPv4’ -and $_.RemoteAddress -ne ‘’ -and $_.LocalPort -eq 5985 } | select RemoteAddress -Unique).RemoteAddress

This example checks for connections where localhost is listening on TCP port 5985 (VMM Agent which uses WBEM WS-Management HTTP), and returns the IP address of the remote host (VMM server). VMM being System Center Virtual Machine Manager. If it returns nothing, this means this machine is not listening on port 5985 (VMM agent not running)

